Real Estate Consumer Videos

Real Estate Consumer Videos
Buying and selling a home can seem like a daunting task, but Sam Miller and his team have selected several home buying videos and home selling videos to help. When considering buying a home or selling a home be sure to get our free informational videos.
Take a few minutes to read each video summary below and choose those that are right for you.
Pricing Your Home to Sell: Avoid the dangerous pricing mistakes that decrease your home’s sale price. Learn the key market principles for establishing your asking price including: What determines value, How the market responds to your price, Answers to the most common pricing questions and How to benefit from this changing market.
Preparing Your Home to Sell: Your home will stand out of the pack when applying these enhancement methods. Learn the key principles of appealing to buyer emotion through: Major repairs, Maintenance, Clearing out, Cleaning up and Five Sense Appeal. You’ll have an organized plan to enhance the value of your home.
Selecting Your Real Estate Agent: This video will provide you with specific measurable criteria for evaluating the capabilities of a real estate agent. You will learn how to evaluate their ability to handle: Marketing management, Exposure to agents, Exposure to public, Securing prospects Demonstrating the home, Securing an agreement to Purchase and Closing the transaction.
Selling By Owner: If you are considering selling your home yourself, then you will want to learn the steps of marketing and selling. This video addresses some very important considerations for determining the feasibility of selling your own home including Marketing, Selling, Qualifying and Closing.
Expired Listing: It will show you how to recover market advantage after your listing has expired. You will learn to evaluate the three most common reasons why listings don’t sell then establish a plan to increase your home’s marketability.
8 Steps to Buying a Home: This video will show you how to find and own your next home easier by following an organized plan. You will learn the process of: Preparing to buy, Meeting with an agent, Establishing your price range and financing, Determining your housing requirements, House hunting, Completing the purchase agreement, Negotiating the purchase and Closing the sale.