Foundation Park in Mount Vernon, Ohio

Mount Vernon Ohio features many amazing public parks and Foundation Park is one of our newest additions within our community. Foundation Park is a serious hot spot for those who enjoy fishing, fun and natural beauty. The park was once the home of Goodwin Sand and Gravel and as young kids my brother and I used to fish and catch turtles there. One of my favorite childhood memories was watching our cousin Joe McQueen catch the biggest catfish I had ever seen. Foundation Park has gone through a remarkable transformation and the lakes are well stocked with fish. Each time I visit Foundation Park I always keep a watchful eye out hoping that I might see a turtle or two.

Special Event: The Knox County Fish and Game Association's Annual Fishing Derby at Foundation Park. This special event is for children ages 1-16 and is this coming Saturday May 7th, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to 2.p.m. This is a FREE fishing weekend. Bring your children and enjoy. There will be prizes awarded for the biggest fish, the smallest fish and quantity of fish caught. FREE refreshments for children. Limited equipment will be available and bait provided. If you have never visited Foundation Park this weekend could be the perfect opportunity for a little fun.

This Mount Vernon Ohio community highlight is part of our "365 Things To Do in Knox County Ohio" series. We are continually adding new Knox County Ohio community amenities including hundreds of area attractions, unique restaurants, entertainment, health and fitness locations, car shows, festivals and more. If you have the inside track on an upcoming community event that you would like to see featured in our 365 Things To Do in Knox County Ohio be sure to reach out to us and we will do our best to help spread the message.