Waco Airplane Reunion - 365 Things To Do in Knox County Ohio

Mount Vernon Ohio was the location once again for the Waco Biplane Reunion. The event takes place on Granville Road just on the outer edge of Mount Vernon at the Wyncoop property near Blackjack Road. For years the Waco planes have visited Knox County Ohio and it is a wonderful event to experience for people of all ages. This event has a relaxed air show feeling except that it really isn't an official air show from what I have read and have been told. It is a very relaxed gathering with no set schedules and people are continually flying in and out pretty much whenever they want. I live just a couple of minutes from where the event is held and it is awesome to see these amazing planes flying over. What is more amazing is to watch the expression on the faces of small children as they see and hear these airplanes.

Saturday evening I stopped into the Ice Cream Station for a quick bite to eat and I had an opportunity to talk with a group who flew in for the event. It was an awesome experience to listen to them share stories and I could actually feel their passion and their love for their airplanes and the friendships they had created because of their beloved planes. What was even more obvious is that this gathering / event was as much about connecting and reconnecting with with other like minded people as it was as much about their airplanes. If everyone in America was as passionate about life as this group was the world would be an even better place. If you haven't experienced a Waco fly in Mount Vernon I hope you will take a minute and watch the short video I have included below. I hope you enjoy it!

This feature article is part of our ongoing community amenity series titled "365 Things To Do in Knox County Ohio. if you would like to view any of our previously featured articles just click on 365 Things To Do in Knox County Ohio.