Mount Vernon Ohio HUD Homes


Bank owned listings and HUD homes seem to be gaining popularity from buyers here in Knox County Ohio.  There has been an increase in purchase offers and home sales during the past couple of weeks relating to repossessions, HUD homes and other homes of exceptional value.  What is very interesting is that the majority of the recent sales have been sold to owner occupied buyers...meaning the buyers are going to fix up these homes and live in them.  This is a significant transition because repossessions have been a real hot spot for the investor market.  A key factor to this shift is that many 1st time home buyers can afford to buy a repo and put a little money into it and they can still have a monthly payment that's cheaper than paying rent.  

Currently there are 3 available HUD homes in Mount Vernon available for electronic bid.  

510 West Gambier Street is $63,000
118 Ringold Street is $58,000
40 Columbus Road is $22,000

Mount Vernon Ohio HUD Homes

If you are interested in seeing inside of any HUD or bank owned home please call us at (740) 397-7800 or you can send us an email at  We can generally get you inside any HUD or bank owned home quickly because they are typically vacant and on a lockbox.  If you are also interested in viewing our other bank owned listings visit:  Knox County Ohio Bank Owned Homes.

Thanks for your interest!

Sam Miller 

Sam Miller