First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit


There is a lot of positive buzz spreading around the 2009 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit.  I am offering this consumer video as a way to help our customers and clients understand the details of the $8,000 tax credit in simple and straight forward terms.  It is very important that consumers are made aware that they do NOT need to be a first time buyer to qualify (can't have owned a principal residence in past 3 years) and that you do NOT have to wait until next year to get your tax credit check from the IRS.  It is possible that you can buy and close a home today, amend your 2008 income tax return and get a check in the mail in as little as 6 to 8 weeks...a check that could be as high as $8,000.  

If you are interested in learning about how you can take advantage of this special opportunity please watch this short video for details.  I am confident that this video will directly benefit you or someone you know.  

Feel free to forward this page to your friends, family and your fellow co-workers.  

If you would like to view an extensive list of Knox County Ohio homes that are organized in price order click here

Knox County Ohio homes that are priced at $100,000 and less 

Knox County Ohio homes priced from $100,000 to $150,000

Knox County Ohio homes priced from $150,000 to $200,000

Knox County Ohio homes priced from $200,000 to $300,000

Knox County Ohio homes priced from $300,000 and higher

Apple Valley Ohio Homes organized in price order click here


Sam Miller