A list of items you might need during a big storm


Below is a list of items that might come in really handy during a storm, tornado or hurricane

  • Bottled Water
  • Disposable Plates, Utensils & Cups
  • Cash
  • Fuel for portable stove or grill
  • Manual Can Opener
  • Battery-operated Radio & Clock Flashlights
  • Ice Chest & Ice Non-perishable Foods
  • Batteries
  • First Aid Supplies
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Fuel for Cars & Generators
  • Charcoal & Lighter Fluid (of course, this should only be used outside)
  • Generator or Power Inverter
  • Be sure that emergency equipment is working properly
  • Store enough supplies to last 2 weeks
  • Have materials on hand to secure your home
Feel free to print this blog out so that you have this list.  I would also like to thank fellow REALTOR and friend Jack Cotton for sharing his "Hurricane Preparation Guide".


Sam Miller